Easter Sunday Meditation

Easter Sunday Meditation
He has risen!

Early Sunday morning, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance.

ScriptureJn 20:1–9

As the whole world rejoices for Jesus’ resurrection, this is a very uncomfortable day for the cynics, doubters and the scientific realists. After his betrayal, injustice, suffering and death. Here we find ourselves still wrapping the thought of how this all happened and finally He rose from the dead. I am inviting you today to believe and set aside your  doubts and disbelief. As science has been  explaining every tiny detail about life, there are certain things that cannot be explained. That is the beautiful mystery of life. That is the miracle of life. The miracle of birth. The gift of living and enjoying the blessings. To revel the blooming flowers in the desert, to enjoy the sounds of the ocean, walking on the grass barefoot, finding someone who understands and loves you – they are all miracles. They cannot be explained and this is the glorious reality of Easter. That God made His promise real. That He would send His Son to walk the earth and  save us from our sins.  God, went down as an all mighty  God and became man to experience how it is to be one to be one with us. To feel our pain  and happiness, our grief and joy. May we rejoice that we are saved. Let’s celebrate that Jesus resurrection and  share with one another in His glory.

Journal Reflection
Happy Easter! Rejoice! We are saved!! What are the things you celebrate in your life? What are you grateful for? What miracles do you experience everyday? The secret of being happy is being grateful for all. Make everyday Easter and feel the richness of life. Last journal entry, what are you grateful for and have learned in this Holy Week Meditation journey?

O God, as I revel in the beauty of life, I am grateful for this renewed spirit -for I have experienced your miracle. Amen.