Good Friday Meditation
The Passion of Christ

The Passion of Christ  are the events from Jesus’ arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane,  trial, suffering, His execution by crucifixion to His burial.  The word passion is from the Latin pati, which simply means “to endure” or “to suffer.

ScriptureJn 18:1—19, 19:42

The events leading to Jesus’ death was among the most graphic and emotional passages to read.  The man Jesus,  whose compassion and love for people was put to the mercy of hateful mob.  He was arrested while in prayer, experienced a trial and suffering putting him to shame and given a death only fit for criminals.  Things went fast beyond his control.  The called him prophet, rabbi, teacher and brother but no one came to his aid. They all fled in fear except for one disciple who  was there during His final moments.
Jesus’ purpose was simply to teach and to live in love and yet they were able to accuse Him of breaking the code of law. They used  a religious occasion to create a frenzy. If you were there, what would you have done? Would you have denied Jesus like what Peter have done? As you meditate on the events of Jesus’ Passion and death, think on how you would have responded if you witnessed the horrifying sight.

Journal Reflection
What would you have done if you were a witness to Jesus’ passion and death. If you witnessed something similar today what will you do?  Recall an event that you feel you have experienced unfair judgment and crucifixion.  How were you able to survive it? Who passed judgment upon you? Have you forgiven those people who have wronged you? As you finish your reflection, ask God’s grace for you to find strength and courage to fight and overcome everyday challenges and crosses.  Ask for God’s guidance to show you the right path.

O God, grant us courage and strength to fight our daily challenges and grace us to see our path more clearly.