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Outside the Conformity Office

Outside the Conformity Office (Photo credit: cote)

“Life is the sum of all your choices.”  ~Albert Camus

When we make choices, we have to own them.  Most people do not own  the choices they make.  Oftentimes, they find someone  to blame when things go wrong  in their  life.  I just like to say, we were born  with free will.  Yes, we  were taught to  conform certain rules or guidelines to have   certain “order” in our society.  But we have to remember too that  together with conformity, we have our own idea and choice.

People  who are “peace-loving” do not necessarily help because  in  a way   blind faith leads them.  One way or another one has to see flaws or cracks in certain system.  There is no perfect system.

We make our own life.  Our decisions shape and mold our life into what we want it to be.  We  follow our path and if there are none, we make them.  Does a person really tear a wall down to  accommodate themselves?  If it is needed, then why not?  Life’s decisions can be checked and balanced.  While one is still alive, one can create change and  make their life better. 

Let’s not look back  and  say I should have done that or I wanted this.  Society  today is not as strict as our  ancestors.  Surprisingly, society  today is more accepting and  open-minded.  Summing up everything in your life, can you say  you have done a great job?  Can you look yourself in the mirror and honestly tell yourself, “My life is great! I can die tomorrow!”  If you can not answer even yourself straightforwardly, “YES!” –  Perhaps it’s time to do something   to change your life.  It’s never too late, remember, “Your life is a sum of all your choices.”

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